Aura Clearing & Chakra Rebalancing Meditation (feat. Archangel Metatron)
This is a 30-min Aura Clearing and Chakra Rebalancing Meditation that calls upon Archangel Metatron for healing support. This meditation includes an aura cleanse and repair, as well as, a rebalancing and calling back of your energy for each individual chakra. Archangel Metatron is the perfect support for clearing out negative energy and for any cleansing rituals.
This is the perfect meditation to have as a regular go-to and I recommend completing this meditation once a week, or extra on the days where you’re feeling ‘a little out of whack.’
Complete this meditation in a quiet, uninterrupted space 💖✨
This is a 30-min Aura Clearing and Chakra Rebalancing Meditation that calls upon Archangel Metatron for healing support. This meditation includes an aura cleanse and repair, as well as, a rebalancing and calling back of your energy for each individual chakra. Archangel Metatron is the perfect support for clearing out negative energy and for any cleansing rituals.
This is the perfect meditation to have as a regular go-to and I recommend completing this meditation once a week, or extra on the days where you’re feeling ‘a little out of whack.’
Complete this meditation in a quiet, uninterrupted space 💖✨
This is a 30-min Aura Clearing and Chakra Rebalancing Meditation that calls upon Archangel Metatron for healing support. This meditation includes an aura cleanse and repair, as well as, a rebalancing and calling back of your energy for each individual chakra. Archangel Metatron is the perfect support for clearing out negative energy and for any cleansing rituals.
This is the perfect meditation to have as a regular go-to and I recommend completing this meditation once a week, or extra on the days where you’re feeling ‘a little out of whack.’
Complete this meditation in a quiet, uninterrupted space 💖✨