All healing sessions are uniquely tailored to the needs and experiences of the client. Marni works closely with Spirit to ensure that your healing session brings you exactly what you need at this point in time to help you to heal, let go and move forward. Marni has a diverse set of skills that she uses to support her clients in the development of their mind, body, soul and spirit connection including energy healing, crystal healing, hypnotherapy, past life regression, sound therapy and holistic counselling skills. No healing session is the same.
She provides spiritual guidance and mentoring and delivers messages from the Spirit Realm as they’re needing to come through - with client permission.
Marni uses her psychic mediumship and clair-gifts to support in the delivery of your healing session. She is guided by Spirit and intuition-led to ensure a beautiful session for her clients. Marni combines a range of modalities to support her clients in their healing and progression on their spiritual path and sets the purest of intentions for all healing sessions she facilitates. Marni lives a life that keeps her own energy balanced in order to bring you a high vibrational treatment like no other.
Marni trusts in the Universe to connect her with the clients which her skillset is able to support in their quest to create the life of their desires and become better equipped to manage any life challenges they may experience.
Our life is only as good as the emotions we experience the most. If you are holding on to negative or lower vibrational emotions such as grief, sadness, anger, guilt, stress & anxiety due to life challenges you’ve experienced, then Spiritual Healing can support you in shifting those emotions into calmness, forgiveness, peace, love & gratitude.
The human experience is complex, and it becomes easier when you reclaim your power, and remind yourself of how worthy you are to experience a life driven by purpose and fulfillment. At times, healing can be difficult to do alone. Reach out today to chat more about how Marni could support you on your life path and spiritual journey.
Intuitive healing sessions are 60 mins in length regardless of which modality of healing is used (exclusive of Past life regression therapy).
These beautiful Sessions have an energy exchange of $150 p/h.
In-person and distant session available.
Main healing modalities
Marni has received a range of training certificates & experiences with highly regarded Spiritual Healers & institutes within the field. Qualifying her to use the following healing modalities within her healing sessions with clients. She is recognised as a Professional Practitioner with the Holistic Health Associates International (HHASI) organisation.
Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing energy treatment. Marni is a Reiki Master/Teacher, meaning she is attuned to the highest level of the Reiki Energy qualifications and has the ability to also teach and attune Reiki in others.
Reiki is a very spiritual technique that is supported by the infinite power of the spiritual realm to bring healing of any intention set. Reiki can help to reduce stress and anxiety, release negative emotions stored within the body and chakra system, brings balance back to the body after difficult life experiences and helps to bring peace and harmony to the soul. Reiki supports in raising the vibration of our spirit, supports us to occupy higher energetic timelines and manifest our dreams and desires into our physical world.
Marni will also be running Reiki I and II workshops within the near future for anyone wishing to learn the beautiful technique of Reiki.
healing touch
Healing Touch is an energetic healing therapy that was developed for nurses to use in hospitals to support the healing rate of patients who have experienced body trauma and surgical procedures.
Healing Touch includes a wide range of techniques that can support is reducing and clearing physical pains and ailments by opening up the energetic pathways between the aura and chakra system. Physical aches and pains begin in the energetic field, and if they’re not treated energetically and emotionally, they can be stored in the body creating physical symptoms.
Healing Touch techniques work on repairing the aura and balancing the chakra systems to prevent the severity or experience of physical ailments, aches and pains showing up within the body.
crystal healing
Marni is lucky enough to be in the care of a set of beautiful crystal lights which are used for a dynamic Crystal Bed experience. These stunning crystal lights were gifted to Marni by family friends and hold great sentimental value. A Crystal Bed experience supports in the clearing and cleansing of the auric field and seven main chakras, as the smokey quartz lights match the colours of the chakra system. This healing modality perfectly complements Marni’s Reiki and Healing Touch techniques.
Crystals are known to hold special spiritual powers that work with different areas, emotions and behaviours that show up in our lives. Marni uses a wide range of crystals during her healing sessions, and when guided, will intuitively place them on or around the physical body. The crystals work with the energy and emotions within the body to transmute negative energies and bring positive energies, harmony and peace to the client.
sound therapy
Sound Therapy is a dynamic healing technique that supports to bring balance and harmony back into the body. The sound vibrations work on any blockages or stagnant energy being held within the chakra system and physical body.
Marni uses her Crystal Singing Bowls, Tibetan Singing Bowls, Tingsha Bells, Koshi Chimes & channeled singing and chants to support in her clients healing experience.
entity removal
Negative entities are energetic masses that can reside within the physical body, feeding off the energy system of whoever they’re attached to. Entities can cause the client to experience nausea, irritable moods, headaches, increased fatigue, bloating and other negative symptoms.
Marni is able to remove and clear negative entities from her client’s physical bodies, using a range of unique channeled sound techniques that involves singing and sound therapy tools.
Soul Fragment retrieval
When we experience trauma and difficult experiences, fragments of our soul can detach and hide in the higher dimension to avoid feeling the full force of the negative emotions that lead from the experience. As our soul fragments detach it can make us feel lonely, anxious, incomplete and can make us feel like we’re constantly ‘searching for something’ but not really sure what for or why. This process is guided by Spirit, as they present Soul Fragments that are ready to return to the energy field and physical body. Marni is able to then support the Soul Fragments to reintegrate successfully.
Psychic Guidance
Marni has the ability to tap into the Spiritual Realm and connect with her clients Spirit Guides to gain information about their current, past and future experiences. She is an intuitive channel and uses her Clair-senses to receive the healing information needed to help her client to let go, move forward, heal and release what’s weighing them down. Supporting them to gain confirmation and clarity around their life choices and decisions.
past life regression
Past Life Regression is a form of hypnosis that allows the client to access any past life memories through the subconscious mind, which may be creating challenges within their current reincarnation.
We can have past life memories create fears and phobias, negative emotions, low self-esteem, limiting beliefs and other blockages within the current reincarnation, which stops us from thriving and truly stepping into our highest and most authentic self.
Past Life Regressions can uncover and help us to better understand our soul path, soul family connections and purpose within our current life. We can learn about the client’s emotions, fears, phobias and undesirable behaviours by clearing and healing it from the past life memories that are being held.
Past Life Regressions are a 2-hour session and go through early memories from the current reincarnation, memories of the womb and conception prior to coming into your current reincarnation and then three past life memories that link to the current issue in investigation.
inner child healing
Inner child healing involves being put into hypnosis to support in walking back in time to significant life events during childhood in which emotions were trapped, stored, inherited or absorbed from others. We dive into a number of childhood events and tap into the subconscious mind to support in bringing healing to this situation. This type of session is led by the subconscious mind and higher self to support us in locating key events in which the effects have created energy blocks that are now holding you back in your current situations.
Spirit Babies
Marni has the ability to tap into the Spiritual Realm and connect with her clients Spirit Babies or Baby Souls to gain information about current, past and future experiences in regards to their Spirit Baby’s journey & personalities. She is an intuitive channel and uses her Clair-senses to support women through their passed or future pregnancy journeys, depending on they situations and what is at the highest point of need.
Hypnotherapy is a healing modality that looks at the client’s limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns that may be leading to behaviours that are not allowing the client to enjoy life to its full capacity.
Hypnotherapy works with the subconscious mind to reframe thought patterns that may have developed overtime through trauma or toxic relationships.
Our subconscious mind controls 90% of what we do. Our conscious mind controls 10% of what we do. If you’re experiencing self-sabotaging feelings, emotions and thought patterns it may be because it’s been programmed into the subconscious mind to think or act in that manner.
Hypnosis is used to change the programming and reframe the thoughts that are holding you back, to thoughts and behaviours that are going to support you in being the best version of yourself possible.
Womb healing
Womb healing involves being put into hypnosis and we journey back in time with the support of the Higher Self and the subconscious mind to tap into your experience as a soul entering the womb, as well as setting the intention to help clear any energy that is trapped within your womb, that is creating stagnancy around creativity, sexuality, passion and pregnancy. We gain support from the spiritual realm to support your womb healing journey around femininity and your personal power - all of which is generated from the womb space.
Marni has the ability to tap into the Spiritual Realm and connect with her client’s Passed Loved Ones to gain information about their current, past and future experiences. Marni never summons Passed Loved Ones, however, if these Spirits decide to step forward to connect with her clients she is able to connect and communicate with them to support her client in their healing journey. Marni’s mediumship is completely Spirit-led. Not all those who have passed are ready to communicate with their loved ones.
Make a Booking.
Visit the Make a Booking tab to secure a 1:1 session for your Healing Session or Reading.
Absent & Emailed Readings that do not require a scheduled time slot can be booked through the Emailed Readings tab.
In-person sessions can be booked by sending a Direct Message via Instagram, Facebook or Email.
Please note: In-person session times are located in Kojonup, Western Australia.