The question of ‘when?’

This is the age-old question, and something that I am terrible at attaching too! When will this happen…? When will I find the house? When will I land my dream job? When will I have children?

We have been conditioned to always watch the clock and the calendar, conditioned to achieve certain milestones by certain ages. It has led to a society of comparison, jealousy and a ‘not good enough’ mindset, when we don’t have what others do. We are all moving through life at the rate of which we set based on our energy, purpose and soul contracts. We choose which timelines we walk, and we choose which path we take based on the decisions we make.

I am starting to learn, and when I say starting to learn, I mean that I’ve been hit with a rude awakening… that actually, sometimes it’s not up to timing and sometimes you actually just need to take action. The ‘when’ happens…when you move through fear, or when you make the changes that you need to make, or when you take action even though you’re shit scared of what the outcome may be, or when you do think even if you might fail, or even though someone might judge you. When does not ALWAYS have to be a specific date on the calendar, and generally… it isn’t a specific date on the calendar. Very rarely will we set specific times for having to achieve things, and then work tirelessly to have those things happen at that specific time or date. We may have a general date, but also somewhere along the way we need to surrender to the fact that things happen when they want to or not at all.

However, what comes with this surrendering, is the need to take responsibility for these actions you need to take to eventually get you where you want to go. For example, let’s say you need to sort out your financial situation. Maybe you want the dream home, and you’re wondering when is it going to happen? It will happen… when you take actions to save your money. It will happen when you go and see a financial advisor. It will happen when you go to a home open and find a house you like. It will happen when your offer gets accepted…

I hope you are picking up what I’m putting down here. The when is not about the exact date on the calendar. It’s about when you consciously decide to take action. That is when. And it’s through the actions, that things are able to fall into place. There is a big buzz around manifestation, which I do believe holds an energetic magnetism to it, and I have had success with, BUT… a lot of the time, manifestations can’t happen without some physical form of action.

I am a firm believer in divine timing, I will never doubt that there is a great universal power at play when it comes to things falling into place. However, if you are ready for something, and you are not taking actions that need to be taken to make things happen - then your when might be put on hold. If you are allowing fear to block you, or letting self-doubt convince you that you don’t deserve the dreams you want to make your reality… then pick today to be your when. Take the steps that need to be taken, to get you where you need to go. Spirit say: “take a small step, if the big steps feel too big right now.” Because what will happen is, you will gain momentum and you will eventually arrive at these bigger steps, and the bigger steps won’t feel so big anymore… because of how far you’ve already come, and because of how much fear you have already moved through to get you up to this point.

Don’t sit on the fence. Get out of your own way and reflect on what needs to be done right now for you to move forward… and just do it.

The other side of this, is that sometimes you do need to be patient. We get caught up in wanting to do things instantly, but very often we still have lessons that need to be learnt, or things that need to happen, before we can create what we are yearning. This is a good one to remember in relationships. When will my soulmate find me? Perhaps, you need to first learn to love yourself before your soulmate can find you. Perhaps, you have a business that needs to be built before your soulmate can find you. There are so many stones that you may be yet to step onto, before you can continue your path walking alongside someone else… I hope this makes sense?

There are a lot of ways to look at your when and there is a need to determine whether you are in a stage where you need to take action, or whether you need to be patient. I’ve got some journal prompts for you to use if you’re trying to decide where you might be sitting right now in your current reality of needing to take action or needing to be patient.

  • What is stopping me from moving forward in achieving…?

  • What is something I could do today to move one step closer to…?

  • Are there blocks within me that I need to shift before I can…?

  • Do I have the capacity right now to take actions towards…?

  • Do I need someone else to support me in…?

  • Have I done everything I possibly can right now to lead me closer to…?

Be specific with your journal questions, so that your Spirit Support Team know exactly what area of your life you’re asking about. Write exactly what comes to mind as you reflect on your thoughts following the questions. Ask Spirit, The Universe, whoever your spiritual connection is with, to show you a sign. Ask them to point you in the right direction. Ask them to shed a light on this situation and reflect to you, is this fear that is blocking me, or do I need to be patient right now?

They’re soon show you a sign ✨

Love and Light,
Marni xx

Message for the Week Ahead…

Starfish Spirit ~ Open to Infinite Possibility

New doors are opening this week. Your energy is shifting with the Full Moon. Now is the perfect time to release whatever fear-based thoughts and feelings you have been holding on to. You need to let go of this, so that you are fresh and ready for a new cycle of learning and growth. Very much a time to ‘clear out the closet,’ ready to attract NEW opportunities. It’s also the perfect time to gently speak out and have any conversations that need to be had, for you to move past any hurt feelings that haven’t yet been addressed. Things are looking up!

Starfish Spirit ~ Open to Infinite Possibility

The Spirit Animal Oracle
by Colette Baron-Reid


Your Higher Self & April Energy


March Energy & Taking Action