This is a little different to my usual posts, but I am so here for it. Spirit woke me up at 4am this morning to bring you this message, so I am trusting that it will reach the right people! If you read this and you feel like it might resonate with someone else you know, it probably means they need to read something here, so please share it with them.
Spirit asks:
How are you supporting the spiritual frequency and path of your spiritual children?
Just like adults who are sensitive to energy, we need to be nurturing our spiritual children.
One download that Spirit brings to me is that some people who are trying to fall pregnant right now are actually experiencing miscarriages because their Spirit Babies frequency is so high that they’re struggling to match their energy to their physical body and it’s taking them a couple of times to get it right.
There are a few reasons for this which I’m going to talk through in this post. There is an influx of Spirit Babies that are coming to Earth with very special spiritual gifts and paths to support in healing generational, ancestral, past life trauma and provide galactic healing. This is all part of moving towards a ‘new earth’ or a collective higher frequency on the planet.
So, Spirit are just asking me to ask you… if your Spirit Baby was to come into this Earth with a spiritual path and much needed spiritual gifts, are you fully prepared to nurture this side of them?
This question needs to be answered within and in a way ‘promised’ to your Spirt Baby in order for you to support conception.
So, if you’re trying to fall pregnant and maybe not yet having the best luck, then Spirit is coming through today to give you some guidance.
conceiving considerations
1. I’m sending you a lot of healing, because the process of conception is not always easy when all you want in a baby.
2. It’s time to start connecting to the energy of your Spirit Baby and feeling into what they need from you for their path and journey. Meditation and just talking out loud to your Spirit Baby is a really good place to start.
3. It’s time to trust that your Spirit Baby is really excited to come, they’re just waiting for the perfect time and for everything to align.
4. Go inward and check… are you holding onto ANY fears or limiting beliefs around being a Mum, pregnancy, childbirth? Maybe this is your second child, and you’re holding onto fears from your first pregnancy?
5. Past Life experiences that haven’t been healed or released can be a block for conception - so be mindful that something that you ‘fear’ might not actually be your fear, but a fear being stored in your subconscious mind connected to past lives.
6. Have you had conversations with your partner that are IMPORTANT for you to feel relaxed and calm about conceiving? Ie. where are you going to live long term? Where do you want your baby to go to school? What hobbies might you like to encourage or explore with your baby? What values do you want to encourage within your child? There is a lot of deeper questions, that if they haven’t been had yet… and it’s important for your baby’s soul for you to have had that conversation with your partner, then this can block conception also.
7. Your health is important. Are you looking after your body like it is a temple? Are you balanced within the physical body, eating nurturing foods, drinking lots of water, taking pregnancy supplements, eating enough protein and a variety of foods?
8. Are you and your partner on the same page? Sometimes what can happen is, if the father of your Spirit Baby is not quite ‘ready’ for a baby … you can miscarry because his energy is blocking the successful conception. Sometimes a miscarriage is what is needed, for the father to realise they really want that baby. So, then a second or third attempt is successful once the father has been through that experience for his own soul’s growth.
9. Never question whether ‘you have or are doing something wrong.’ There is a lot of factors at play when it comes to conceiving and more often than not, it’s not because something is wrong with YOU… it’s because there’s a miscommunication somewhere along the circuit and it’s led to misalignment. Blaming yourself or shaming your body, is never ever going to be the answer to speeding up the process.
Lastly, another concept that is important and comforting to know is, Spirit Babies a lot of the time are not ‘lost’ in that… Spirit Babies can put their entry on hold if something doesn’t feel right for their soul’s future life journey as part of your family. This means, possibly you conceive and then miscarry because the timing is just not right yet for whatever reason. Your Spirit Baby stays with you (in Spirit) until their future physical body, your physical body, the timing, everything is right for them to come in. So, there is a message here for someone that… your little Spirit Baby is not lost they (she), is just waiting for the right moment.
So, hold onto that hope that this baby is coming, even though maybe it’s taking a couple of go’s to get everything right.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical practitioner and it is encouraged to have all necessary physical medical exams and assessments linked to pregnancy to support your journey first.
new offering: spirit baby readings
I am now offering Spirit Baby Readings: “A Letter from your Spirit Baby.” If this is something that interests you, be sure to check out my Services Tab, under Readings for more information. 👶🏻🕊️✨
ONLY $89