Releasing & New Beginnings

How have you been feeling this week? There is a lot of change, letting go, releasing and the start of a new chapter forming around us. I’m not overly into astrology, however, I do like to keep up with the Full Moons and the New Moons because I always feel a shift in my energy. Today, we have our November Full Moon. During a full moon, you may experience fatigue, headaches, heightened emotions, and maybe you might struggle to think straight. So, today would be a day to be kind on yourself and spend some time in reflection.

Do you have something that needs releasing? I recently did a releasing ceremony on a situation that has really been holding me back from stepping into my power. I knew that I needed to do an energetic release, and a cutting of the cords to ensure I could step forward into a new opportunity that is calling me. I usually write all of my worries down and burn it, visualising an energetic release between my energy and the situation. However, this situation felt really potent, and I felt like I needed to do more around this situation to support me.

I reached out to one of my teachers and asked for her support in letting this situation go. This is the process she recommended I take myself through in order to release what was holding me back. I wanted to share it with you, just in case you need some support in releasing something particularly heavy. As today is a Full Moon, it is the most powerful time in the lunar cycle to release, you can channel the energy of the Full Moon to support you.


  1. Write down everything from your situation that has hurt you or caused you pain. Anything from the situation that you’re holding onto, that is holding you back.

  2. Burn this list.

  3. Use your hands to ‘karate chop’ around your energetic field. Cutting away any energetic attachments you need to release.

  4. Smudge your body - I used Sage, as I felt I needed lots of smoke for this release.

  5. Get a new piece of paper, and write out all of the things you are grateful for from this challenging situation. eg. “It’s helped me to learn…”

Lastly, I went and sat outside in my garden, to reground and to cry. After I’d worked with my Spirit Team to help me release this situation, the tears began to flow, and I was able to release the emotions that I’d been storing. These emotions were making me fear my new beginning, and creating anxiety around a situation that hadn’t even begun yet, out of fear that I would go through the same thing I’d been through in the past. But now that I’ve engaged in my releasing ceremony, I am looking towards my new beginning with excitement and joy, and a strong knowing that I can handle any conflict I may face in this new beginning BECAUSE of what I’ve been through in the past.

Our experiences support us to learn our lessons. Once we have been through our lessons, and we can see our situations clearly, we can look at times of trial and difficulty with gratitude. It’s when we choose to look at our difficulties with gratitude, that’s when we begin to feel the shift. From seeing our situations as a way for us to learn, we can choose to want better, because we know we deserve better.

So, if you are currently going through a difficult time, ask yourself or journal on these questions:
What is this situation trying to teach me?
Who is playing a part in helping me learn this lesson? and why?
What is it that I need to learn before I can move on to something better?
How can I learn this lesson gracefully?
How will this lesson help me to start something new with confidence?

Once you have the lesson clear in your mind and your heart. You can engage in your releasing ceremony, trusting that by letting go, you are making way for something new to evolve. You are signaling to the Universe that you have learnt this lesson, you are thankful for the lesson, and now you’re ready to move onto a more rewarding situation.

Dandelion Spiritual Symbolism

Patience and endurance in times of adversity.

Releasing emotional and spiritual blockages.

Letting go of the past.

Trusting what is yet to come.

Whilst, I had been navigating the releasing of challenging emotions and now stepping into my new beginning, I noticed that I was being sent a sign from Spirit. A sign that I’m not used to. The Universe was sending me ‘Dandelions’ floating through the breeze. On my way to work, I would have them float in front of my car. I stepped out of the car as I pulled into my driveway, and I had one float right by my face. Dandelions symbolise patience and endurance in times of adversity, as well as the releasing of emotional blockages and letting go of the past. Spiritual signs are Spirit’s way of saying: “we’re here” and “we are supporting you through this time.” We receive spiritual signs all the time, we just have to open our eyes to see them.

If you are going through some difficult emotions right now, lean on your supports. Let others help you figure things out, if that’s what you need. Turn to your Angels and ask them to help you grow through this situation. Trust that you will learn from this, and your next chapter is going to be your reward for letting go of what no longer serves you.

Sending you love and light always,

Marni x


December Energy & Surrendering


Something new…