February Energy, Transformations & Grief

I have been taking a little break these past two weeks as I have been moving through some life transitions, energetic releases and spiritual upgrades. I could feel in my energy and body, that I needed to surrender to the transformations taking place within my own field, and I just need to allow it to all happen how it may. This however means that sometimes I need to retreat to be able to process and move with the current, rather than trying to push against it. I know that it’s important for me to care for my own energy, so that I can better give to others as a healer.

I’m no astrologer, but I know there has been a lot going on with the stars and planets that may have caused some changes to occur or cycles to end. I have taken on a new part-time job, which I am SO excited about, but also nervous to begin something new! So, next month I am going to be creating a new balance for myself as I embark on this new phase in my journey. I am learning to get comfortable with balancing and wearing a few different hats so that I can fulfill all of my purposes and use all of my skills in a way that is beneficial for everyone I meet.

I will say though, as I have taken off two weeks from my business to focus on my new part-time job, I have been experiencing a lot of challenging emotions. I have been highly emotional (compared to usual) and I can tell that I’ve been releasing a lot of stagnant energy that is no longer serving me and that will not benefit me as I step into this new cycle in life. I find that this will happen if I give myself the time and space to allow for healing to occur, as opposed to staying freakishly busy so my soul doesn’t have the time to heal or process. Anyway, I have found myself moving through quite a few ‘low valleys’ where it has taken a lot of strength for me to get through the emotions I’ve felt. I’ve said it here before, sometimes you don’t see the good that will come when you’re in that deep darkness and space of inner healing, but sure enough, it always passes, and you begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

One thing that Spirit told me whilst I was healing and purging these old emotions, is that a lot of what I was processing was actually past-life emotions. Through my own healing in this life, I have opened up the channel for other past-life personas to process and let go of these deep wounds through me. This is at times, where being an intuitive channel and healer, can be challenging, because you are feeling these deep emotions as if they are your own - but they actually, technically aren’t. I am lucky in that I have spiritual support networks around me, where I can ask for support to move through these emotions. Where I can get my energy back into balance, clear away what isn’t mine and receive healing that gives me the strength and calmness I need to move forward.

Spirit want me to share this with you today, because there are people who will read this that have been going through similar processes of transformation. And there is something else you need to know about this… Through releasing and allowing yourself to feel and let go, you are allowing your soul to step up into a ‘higher timeline.’ We all have a myriad of timelines of which we can choose to inhabit in our lives. This is why as a Psychic and Intuitive, we always say that you have freewill, as you might choose to inhabit different timelines throughout your life based on what decisions and choices you choose for yourself. So, as you let go, your soul can ‘level up’ into a new timeline where the ‘old patterns, behaviours, relationships and illnesses’ are not present. I hope this is making sense. So, every time you move through a period of transformation, you let go of ‘lower vibrational’ energy, therefore you are able to raise to a new timeline.

One example, Spirit ask me to share is that, say you were to leave your relationship because it wasn’t serving you anymore. By letting go of a relationship that isn’t fulfilling you, you are able to step into a new timeline, where you have the possibility to meet a new soulmate within this new timeline. Had you stayed in your relationship you would continue to receive the same treatment, financial challenges, unfulfilled experiences as always. When you leave, you level up and make way for new opportunities, higher levels of abundance and more fulfilling experiences. One way, that you will know if you’ve levelled up from this previous timeline is say, you might continue to live in the same town, but you NEVER run into your ex - this is because you are no longer within that same ‘timeline,’ your energies don’t match or attract one another anymore, so you never bump into them or see them. This could apply to a boss you had difficulties with at an old job, or even friendships, you can apply the scenario that resonates for you. This is something that many people will be experiencing within the next month as the Universe really shakes things up. Spirit are saying, “if you don’t choose to make the change, they will make the change for you.”

As you are moving through this transformative period, you have choices: you can either step out into this new timeline yourself, or they will push you out there. The Universe only brings you what you can handle. But sometimes, when you have done all the healing you can possibly do on your current timeline, Spirit need to push you out onto a new timeline for you to reach a deeper understanding of yourself and reach new depths of healing that YOU ARE READY FOR!

Spirit also say, for some people there is going to be a ‘growing apart’ or a well needed change is going to occur. They make a point to say that these changes don’t have to make sense to anyone else. And it’s highly likely that you won’t know how to explain it to others, it’s through your growth that these changes now need to occur so that you can continue to grow and have your new dreams come true. The only explanation to these changes is that your energy simply no longer matches the energy of the life you’ve created. You are ready for more, and you are ready for better.

Spirit talk to me about grief here as well. With any loss, comes grief. Loss could be selling a car, moving home, leaving a relationship, disconnecting from a family member. Loss can also mean when you leave one version of your life behind, to start a new version. As you step into this new version, you grieve the version of life that once was. Now, it is quite likely that prior to a version ending and a loss occurring, you begin to grieve prior to the transition happening. Your soul begins grieving before the change happens, so that when the change happens the grief is not as consuming for the soul. So, as you feel these BIG emotions, and you are not sure where they are coming from or what is the cause of them, you might like to consider whether what you are feeling is grief? Dig deep into those emotions and think, maybe I am feeling grief and these emotions that are coming up for me are preparing me to move through some sort of life change or transition. Try not to get caught up thinking too much about the emotions. Let them come up, and let them pass. Be gentle on yourself and REST. I have found that as I’ve been feeling large emotions lately, the best remedy has actually been to crawl into bed, put on a movie and allow my body to get the rest it needs to process whatever my soul needs to process right now.

Spirit asks you to look out for signs that they are with you during the times of deep emotional turmoil, because it will be when you feel your lowest, that you will receive the most signs. Spirit have been sending me feathers the past two weeks, a whole wide range of different feathers. I’m going to share two of my favourite feather signs from Spirit from this month below.

White Feather with a Black Tip

A black and white feather, particularly one that is white with a black tip, symbolises that changes are coming. It shows that where one stage of life ends, a new one begins. The black colour symbolises spiritual protection and the white can symbolise angelic support as your move through a time of transition. It’s almost like Spirit are holding your hand as you let go of one cycle and move into the next. You are divinely guided and supported through the changes that are occurring.

Hawk Feather

A hawk feather symbolizes courage, strength and power. It can also represent upcoming changes, pursuing of goals and dreams, spiritual protection and the honouring of inner wisdom. When sent a hawk feather it is a sign that you occupy all the strength you need to move through any challenges you are being faced with.

Now, I’m not 100% sure what these changes are that are coming for me personally, but I am sure I will know when they hit me. There have been times where I have really needed some extra strength and courage, so finding this Hawk Feather really gave me the reassurance that I needed, to know that we all have a hidden strength within in us. Spirit remind you: “You are stronger than you think.” So, whatever challenges or changes you also may be facing right now, know that Spirit are holding your hand and giving you the strength you need to move through the fear you feel.

February Energy Update

This month’s message is Spider Sprit ~ Make your dreams real.

Spirit tell me that this is a month where you are needing to reflect on your dreams. What sort of future are you wanting to create for yourself and your future family? Spirit say that anything or anyone that does not support your long-term goals, or who/what might hold you back from creating this dream reality - needs to be let go or moved away from. Spirit say that you will have a chance this month to walk away from these situations and close the door on something that is no longer serving you. If you decide to stay, the opportunity is going to be brought back around to you later in the year (Sept/Oct) to highlight why it would be best for you to finally let go for good. Spirit reminds you that you have the power to attract what you want, don’t allow negative thought patterns to talk you out of going after what you dream of, and do not settle for less.

Affirmation: “I release what is not supporting the dreams I desire to make my reality.”

Sending you love and light always,

🌻Marni x


March Energy & Taking Action


January Energy & Starting Fresh