23rd Oct - 29th Oct 2023

💖Okay…so I’m not sure whether this message is much of a collective message. I really feel like this message is speaking to one of my followers directly, this week. It’s almost like Spirit is screaming at you - going to all kinds of lengths to get your attention. So, if you resonate with this message then this one’s for you! But also, please book in for a healing session because it sounds like you need it, my love! 🤣💖 (There are still some people that will resonate with parts of this message, but I can sense that Spirit are really calling out to someone in particular this week.)

😵‍💫Spirit are really urging you to spend some time in reflection. I get the impression, that you are not one to sit still with your own thoughts. I’m not sure what the reason for this is entirely, but it makes me feel dizzy just tuning into your energy. So, you have to try and stop, although this is very hard for you to do! You need to try and sit still. You need to spend time in some deep reflection here, to really calm your mind, so you can think clearly. Because right now, your thoughts are so jumbled, that you’d probably pop your shoes on the wrong feet, you’re feeling that scattered!

💣Spirit are telling me, that they have been trying all sorts of tactics to try and get your attention. To try and help you, to try and show you where you need to create change in your world. And unfortunately, with this, it has brought you discomfort, frustration, anger and I actually feel physical sickness (I’m thinking stomach pains/nausea type stuff). You need to find a way to get grounded, and spend time reflecting on what the challenges and obstacles that Spirit have been putting in your place are trying to tell you.

🎧My latest podcast episode on Making Decisions, might be worth a listen to you, because with creating a change you are going to have to be making a decision, if not 2 or 3 decisions. I’m really sensing - 1. work 2. relationships and 3. moving home/town/city type set up. It’s kind of like, because you’ve been putting off making changes in these areas throughout the year…Spirit are going to try get you to make all these choices all at once. It’s like by the end of the year, you are going to almost be unrecognisable to yourself because of what shifts are coming your way. All these shifts are for the better! They’re all in your best interest - they’re bringing with them expansion, growth and multitudes of abundance!!

🙏🏻Spirit are really wanting to help and guide you here. They don’t want to see you in the situations you are in for any longer. Yes, they’ve been necessary for your growth and learning, but enough is enough now. You deserve better, you are ready for more and you are worthy of all the abundance that Spirit are wanting to shower you with.

🧘🏻It’s okay to not know what to do right now, but Spirit are saying that with self-reflection everything is going to become MUCH clearer to you. It’s almost like a switch is getting flicked and all of a sudden, you’re saying to yourself ‘why didn’t I see this earlier?’

⏳Spirit are asking me to add in some key things to help this person identify who I am talking to. They’re showing me some of the obstacles you have been experiencing, so that you will read this and go: “Omg - she’s talking to me. This message is for me.” Spirit is showing me flooding of the home (eg. or some kind of water damage), they’re showing me ‘bank card fraud’ or some kind of money theft, they’re also showing me some kind of car trouble (possibly tyre related?) and lucky last they’ve mentioned ‘injury,’ some kind of injury that has possibly meant you haven’t been able to work. So, if you have experienced any, if not all of these in the past 6-12 months, this message is for you.

🏃🏻Spirit want you moving into this next phase - onwards and upwards ASAP. When you start to hear the signs, rather than try to avoid or ignore them, you are going to enter into this undeniable flow of harmony with the Universe! Things are really going to start happening for you, and all of them for the better!

🌟Oracle Deck Used: Indigo Angel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue and Charles Virtue


Spirit says…

Spirit is saying that this week is for self-reflection. A time to reflect on where you are heading. In 12-months time, where do you dream to be? Physically, emotionally, spiritually? Spirit are saying to me, that some of you are resisting the need for change - STILL! They want you to reflect on how you are feeling right now, in this moment, in your current reality - Are you happy? Why or why not? I actually feel that someone reading this right now needs reassurance that, it’s okay to not have all the answers, but you need to know that the Universe has been trying to reach you, and they’re at a stage where they’re starting to really “rock the boat” to try and get you to listen to them. I can see obstacle, after obstacle being put in your way, trying to get your attention and for some reason it is like you have blinkers on. Spirit are urging you, to please pay attention! Wake up to the messages the Universe are trying to send you. Whoever this message is for, I can feel your frustration, I can feel your anger for the curveballs life has been throwing you lately. But Spirit are saying they’re having to get creative, because you just aren’t listening. Spirit are saying to me, what you’re doing right now - it is time to MOVE ON. It is time to let go, and if you would sit and reflect on all of the “obstacles” the Universe is putting in your place, the challenges, the yucky feelings, then you’d be able to see that all of this is happening to try and show you, to highlight for you, that it’s time to change. Spirit are actually asking you: “Do you want to still feel this miserable in 12-months time?” If the answer is “no” then you NEED to make changes. And oh my gosh, the rewards on the other side of this, are NEXT LEVEL! Because you have been doing it tough, as soon as you wake up to this push onto the right path, my god it is going to get good for you!! You deserve to be happy. You deserve to feel fulfilled. You deserve to find your purpose. Spirit want to help you, they just need you to open up to the possibilities and see that you are WORTHY of SO MUCH MORE.


🌟Oracle Deck Used: Indigo Angel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue and Charles Virtue


Something new…


16th Oct - 22nd Oct 2023